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In compliance with the E-Government Act of 2002, electronic access to the Court's written opinions filed after April 16, 2005 are available at no cost. A written opinion is defined by the Judicial Conference of the United States as "any document issued by a judge or judges of the court, sitting in that capacity, that sets forth a reasoned explanation for a court's decision." To access the written opinions, choose one of the following:

  • In a coordinated project with the Administrative Office, "Written Opinions" are also published on the website of the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). Click here to access our opinions and other court unit opinions (appellate, district, and bankruptcy).
  • A "Written Opinions" report is available directly from the "Reports" menu as "Written Opinions" within CM/ECF. A PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) account is necessary to view documents and reports via CM/ECF over the Internet. To register for a PACER account, go to