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NextGen CM/ECF Information

The Next Generation Case Management/Electronic Case Files (NextGen CM/ECF) system is the Federal Judiciary's comprehensive case management system for all bankruptcy, district and appellate courts. CM/ECF allows courts to accept filings and provide access to filed documents over the Internet.

NextGen CM/ECF keeps out-of-pocket expenses low, gives concurrent access to case files by multiple parties, and offers expanded search and reporting capabilities. The system also offers the ability to: immediately update dockets and make them available to users, file pleadings electronically with the court, and download documents and print them directly from the court system.

NextGen CM/ECF System Login - Live Database


  • You must have you own individual PACER Account.  If you do not have a PACER account, you must register for one at  Shared PACER accounts cannot be used for filing.
  • You must have an upgraded PACER account.  A key feature of NextGen is the logon module that allows you to use your PACER account login information to access any NextGen Court. This module requires that you have an upgraded PACER account.  Accounts created after August 2014 are already upgraded.  To upgrade your account or to check to see if it has already been upgraded, follow these instructions:   HOW TO UPGRADE YOUR PACER ACCOUNT
  • You must link your upgraded PACER account to your LAEB NextGen CM/ECF account. If you had a CM/ECF account with our court prior to February 15, 2019, you will need to link it to your upgraded PACER account for Central Sign-On. If you do not know your LAEB CM/ECF login or password, please contact the Court.  HOW TO LINK YOUR PACER ACCOUNT TO YOUR NEXTGEN CM/ECF ACCOUNT.

NextGen Frequently Asked Questions (this link will take you to the NextGen Training FAQ page of the PACER Service Center).

Questions can be directed to the court’s helpdesk at or by contacting the Clerk’s Office directly at (504) 589-7878.