Unclaimed funds are funds held by the court for an owner who is entitled to the money, but has failed to claim ownership of it. Most unclaimed funds arise in bankruptcy cases when the checks mailed by the trustee to the creditors are not cashed. Under the Bankruptcy Code, the trustee must stop payment on any check that remains unpaid 90 days after final distribution in the case. The unclaimed funds are turned over to the court to hold for the benefit of the creditor.
The U.S. Courts, as custodians of the funds, have established policies and procedures for holding, safeguarding, and accounting for the funds.
- Procedures for Claiming Unclaimed Funds - Effective December 1, 2023
- Supplemental requirements when applying for unclaimed funds (General Order 2024-1)
Forms for Claiming Unclaimed Funds
- Form 1340 - Application For Payment of Unclaimed Funds
- Proposed Order for Payment of Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed Funds Locator*
*Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to display updated and accurate data, this database is not the official Court record. To ensure the accuracy and timeliness, review the docket entries on file with the Court related to the deposit of unclaimed funds for the particular creditor and case of interest. Contact the Court for assistance if needed.